
First Draft Books is part of a vibrant community of readers, writers, and makers. Through our shop, we hope to spark moments of unexpected connection & joyful creativity among them all. If you have an idea for the community that you want to bring to life, reach out. We love to collaborate.


Reading for pleasure is our jam! Let’s talk summer reading challenges, book fairs, class programs, author & illustrator visits, writing competitions, literary scavenger hunts and any other literary dreams you have.


You write books! Isn’t that amazing?! Stop by the shop for a moment of appreciation anytime. We can also explore stocking your book, signings, events, community connection, and more.

Creators & Makers

What is life without beauty? We seek to highlight local artisans making beautiful, functional works that can compliment any literary lifestyles. Reach out to talk about exhibiting, selling and hosting workshops.


This is your store. Let us know how we’re doing, what’s working and what’s missing. We’re eager to create a space for discovery & connection for all the readers out there. Come by and chat anytime.